Hey guys! Hope you are all good and had a great weekend! Now I don’t know about you, but the temperature has just dropped and I AM FREEZING, like all …
5 Money Tips For Teenagers
If you’re a teenager, you are in a very powerful position. Starting good money habits now will put you ahead for the rest of your life. 1. Start A Money …
7 pieces of advice on starting your first office job
You’ve landed your first job – Congratulations! Of course, you’ve had other jobs before, but this is very different from your previous part-time gigs undertaken while you were at school …
Travelling Tips + Hacks | Summer!
We have officially entered Spring and Summer is not too far to go! So exciting! All the fun; picnics, Gas BBQs (as that’s what my uncle in Norway have got …
How to Help Your Children Move Out
It’s a difficult time for a mother, watching their children one by one ‘fly the nest’ to become fully-fledged independent adults. You’ve cared and nurtured them for the best part of …
Tips for Helping Your Teenagers Achieve Independence
As your children progress through adolescence, they’ll naturally want to acquire a greater degree of independence, taking more control of their personal lives. It’s not something that parents should resist, …
Finalist at Future Chef’s Regional Finals
It was a big day for me today, it was the Regional Finals of the Future Chef’s competition at London South East Colleges, Orpington Campus. Unfortunately, I didn’t go through to …
12 Ways to Customise a Rental
Finding a new place to live – whether you’re going from dorm to the first apartment to place-with-your-BFF – can be pretty overwhelming. Should you get movers? Why do you …