I’ve definitely ordered a lot of clothes online in the past and have found some amazing deals. Whenever I tell my friends or family how much I’ve paid for an item, they’re honestly so shocked by how I paid so little. I feel because I’ve ordered many times, I kind of found new tricks and saving options along the way. So… if you’re interested in saving money when shopping online, continue reading!


When you open up a category, it will automatically take you first to the “recommended items” or the “most popular.” Sometimes you’ll find great priced things, however other times, the items can be pretty expensive. Try filtering your search from low to high prices and see all the options you have to buy from! This allows you to find the cheapest items first and then gradually get more expensive. I feel this is something a lot of people know, but if you didn’t, start doing this so you can buy those clearance items!


If you’re a student, you have so much access to a lot of different things, such as online discounts, restaurant offers, even tourist attractions. Companies such as StudentBeans or UniDays gives hundreds of discounts to students, and all you have to do is sign up. I use student beans and I make sure I check my app before purchasing anything to see if I can get any money off my order. These are all safe and legit, so I definitely recommend you create an account if you’re a student 🙂


If you’re not a student, don’t worry about it! You can easily find discount codes online from newspaper articles or general sites which provide various codes. These can include free shipping, extra 10% off etc and most of the time they work. Sometimes they don’t because they have either expired or are just not valid. But it doesn’t hurt to try!


Let’s say you’re looking for a denim jacket for Spring. Your favourite brand is Zara and you really want to see if they have any jackets on sale. You find one for £30 and buy it immediately before they sell out. But… after you buy it, you go back to your browser and see New Look selling the exact same thing for half the price. You must be regretting your decision huh? Always check other companies and brands and see what they are offering as there are thousands of options.

(But, if you’re going to order from a brand you haven’t before, make sure to read reviews so you get an idea if their clothes are cheap as well as good quality. There’s really no point in spending money on something that’s shitty and cheap material or wrong sizing)


Department stores such as TK Maxx and Debenhams have sales and offers ALL THE TIME! I personally love shopping at these kinds of stores as they sell big branded items for a reduced price, which would be hard to find at other places.

For example, last year on Black Friday, I purchased a pair of leather pants from MissPap. I bought them for £5 with free delivery!!! I know! My mum and I literally spent that evening surfing through the site to find more amazing deals. I wanted to see what the pants were being sold as on the official site, so I headed onto MissPap. I couldn’t find that pair of pants but other items were WAY more expensive than what they were being sold as on Debenhams. TkMax is also another great place I love to shop at, specifically jewellery. Because they only sell good quality stuff and everything is really well priced, it’s definitely worth checking out these stores.


I totally understand if you’re into your brands and buy things from trendy popular places, but is your bank account into that?? There are SO MANY clothing brands ACROSS THE GLOBE that you can shop from, which may be cheaper! For example, Fashion nova is an American Retail Company that seems to be a great affordable place to shop at. Obviously, make sure to read the reviews first and if they are legitimate companies, but have fun with your options! I’ve been meaning to order from Fashion Nova so if you’re interested in a little haul review like I did from Shein, drop a comment below!

So here are a few tips that will help you save money when shopping online! Give them all a try and see which works best for you, see you next time x