Today was a big day for me; I was taking part in Future Chef’s Local Finals and guess what? I became a runner-up and made it through to the Regional Finals taking place on the 15th of February!
About the competition:
The Future Chef Competition challenges students to cook under pressure and develop practical skills through timed cook-offs in school heats, local, regional and national finals.
- Organised by Springboard, hosted by a local school or college, judged by industry chefs.
- Participants cook a two-course meal for two people (a hot main course and a hot or cold dessert).
- Budget: Up to £7.
- Participants marked against specified judging criteria.
- 1 winner progresses to stage 3 and receives an industry mentor and cookbook.

On the menu:
Vegan Red Thai Curry with Spiced Rice.
Chocolate Peanut-butter Molton Lava Cake with whipped cream.